Moi ça marche, tu lui donnes peut-être un couple ID/SID invalide ou des IVs trop hauts... (c'est idiot, mais je ne vois pas sinon)
Par contre, il faut facilement attendre de 10 secondes à une minute par résultat chez moi, c'est plutôt long, mais ça marche très bien, la preuve:
edualc@PC-Linux-Edualc:~/Documents/Pokesav/PID-IV-Generator-PKM DB 2$ ./IVPid.exe
Welcome to SCV's PID generator
Enter the number corresponding to what you would like to do:
1) Get a PID for a given IVs/nature combination.
2) Get the PID for a shiny pokemon with given ID and SID and IVs
IVs are at least what you enter.
3) Get the chained shiny PID for given IVs/ID/SID.
4) Get the PID for a shiny pokemon with given ID and SID and IVs
IVs are exactly as you entered them.
5) Get Ivs that correspond to a given PID.
0) Exit the program
Do you want to set a limit for the amount of results you get?
Enter 0 for no limit other wise enter the maximum number of results:
Please enter the Trainer ID:
Please enter the Secret ID:
Please enter the HP IV:
Please enter the Attack IV:
Please enter the Defense IV:
Please enter the Speed IV:
Please enter the Special Attack IV:
Please enter the Special Defense IV:
Please enter the Nature Value (see readme.txt):
1) 1772425478
IVs/Nature: 26/27/28/27/27/31/Adamant
Ability : 2
Gender Value: 6
Hidden Power: Ice-67
Ultra Rare GBA
2) 1500586453
IVs/Nature: 29/27/27/31/28/29/Adamant
Ability : 1
Gender Value: 213
Hidden Power: Electric-38
Normal D/P or GBA
3) 1597122453
IVs/Nature: 28/26/26/26/31/27/Adamant
Ability : 1
Gender Value: 149
Hidden Power: Electric-69
Non-Event D/P or GBA
4) 1418800178
IVs/Nature: 28/26/31/31/25/29/Adamant
Ability : 2
Gender Value: 50
Hidden Power: Dragon-38
Rare GBA
5) 992953228
IVs/Nature: 25/28/28/28/27/28/Adamant
Ability : 2
Gender Value: 140
Hidden Power: Rock-40
Non-Event D/P or GBA
6) 87326103
IVs/Nature: 30/28/25/26/30/26/Adamant
Ability : 1
Gender Value: 151
Hidden Power: Fighting-66
Ultra Rare GBA
7) 4094201003
IVs/Nature: 26/31/31/31/30/30/Adamant
Ability : 1
Gender Value: 171
Hidden Power: Ground-70
Ultra Rare GBA
8) 3474044853
IVs/Nature: 30/25/29/27/28/30/Adamant
Ability : 1
Gender Value: 181
Hidden Power: Ground-56
Non-Event D/P or GBA
9) 3006974878
IVs/Nature: 25/27/27/26/30/25/Adamant
Ability : 2
Gender Value: 158
Hidden Power: Water-49
Ultra Rare GBA
10) 3085684553
IVs/Nature: 28/27/26/26/28/27/Adamant
Ability : 1
Gender Value: 73
Hidden Power: Fire-59
Ultra Rare GBA
Welcome to SCV's PID generator
Enter the number corresponding to what you would like to do:
1) Get a PID for a given IVs/nature combination.
2) Get the PID for a shiny pokemon with given ID and SID and IVs
IVs are at least what you enter.
3) Get the chained shiny PID for given IVs/ID/SID.
4) Get the PID for a shiny pokemon with given ID and SID and IVs
IVs are exactly as you entered them.
5) Get Ivs that correspond to a given PID.
0) Exit the program
J'ai pas chronométré, mais il a fallu bien 7 minutes pour que le programme trouve les 10 résultats demandés...
PS: Il y a un point où je n'ai pas compris: quand on rentre un PID ability 1 sur pokésav, le pokémon est classe 2, et vice versa... C'est bizarre, le legitchecker semble affirmer que c'est pokésav qui a raison et il faudrait alors inverser l'information donnée par le générateur... à vérifier.
Si quelqu'un sait, qu'il nous explique.