Citation de: Smogon, Pokédex, fiche de Manaphy
Calm Mind Blissey makes a fine counter and can stat up alongside Manaphy before finishing it off with Thunder. Dialga can wall its attacks quite effectively and Roar it out or hit back with Thunder. Latias' massive Special Defense stat prevents Ice Beam from hurting her and her superior Speed, backed up with Recover, allows her to set up Calm Minds on Manaphy, eventually firing a powerful Dragon Pulse or Thunder, that would ultimately annihilate it. Her Speed also means that Manaphy won't be fast enough to Heart Swap Latias' Calm Minds before being KOed. Palkia's 4x resistance to Surf and a very good base 120 Special Defense allows it to land a Choice Specs Thunder on Manaphy, easily OHKOing it. If Manaphy does not pack Grass Knot, Kyogre can switch into Manaphy with impunity and throw a very powerful Thunder at it.
Beware of Rayquaza, Groudon, or Tyranitar switching in on Rest, as their ability to change the weather means Manaphy will be stuck sleeping for two turns, giving them ample time to set up for a sweep.
Faut-il rajouter quoi que ce soit?
Seuls 2 OU le contrent, à savoir un Leuphorie très situationnel (qui ne sert pas à grand-chose à part ça), et un Latias particulier (et certains sont indécis quant au statut de ce dernier)...
Vous voyez, il a des contres en OU, donc autorisons-le, lol!
*Irony inside*
*Irony inside*