Idem. D'ou l'outpredict.
Un mec qui time stall est un connard mais est plus bas sur l'échelle de puterie qu'un mec qui se fiche de toi et qui te rabaisse.
Et en passant avoir un connard en face de toi ne justifie pas de se comporter aussi comme le dernier des enculés.
En l'occurence lire ce replay m'a fait rager, encore plus en pensant que le mec était un membre de poketrash, d'ou ma réaction un poil forcée mais tout a fait honnête
Le pire de la stratégie pokémon
caca mou
- Membre
- 4146 posts
doux jésus
- Membre
- 11188 posts
14 juin 2014, 13:15
pire attitude sur le replay de Jah
les gens qui l'ouvrent sans cesse sont généralement des boloss avec un niveau moyen qui ont une trop grande estime de leurs capacités
le genre de fdp à qui tu voudrais foutre un 6/0 avec eelektross
les gens qui l'ouvrent sans cesse sont généralement des boloss avec un niveau moyen qui ont une trop grande estime de leurs capacités
le genre de fdp à qui tu voudrais foutre un 6/0 avec eelektross
- Membre
- 3506 posts
caca mou
- Membre
- 4146 posts
16 juin 2014, 14:28
Talonflame used Brave Bird!
The opposing Azumarill lost 87% of its health!
Talonflame is damaged by recoil!
The opposing Azumarill used Aqua Jet!
It's super effective! Talonflame lost 8.1% of its health!
Talonflame fainted!
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
Go! Manectric (Manectric-Mega)!
Pointed stones dug into Manectric!
Manectric intimidates the opposing Azumarill!
The opposing Azumarill's Attack fell!
Turn 19
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
The opposing Azumarill used Aqua Jet!
A critical hit! Manectric lost 63.0% of its health!
Manectric fainted!
Cienight won the battle!
Ladder updating...
PTF-Fildrong's rating: 1826 → 1805
(-21 for losing)
Cienight's rating: 1815 → 1836
(+21 for winning)
PTF-Fildrong: he
Cienight left.
Snif. Quand tu as 10% de perdre sur un crit
The opposing Azumarill lost 87% of its health!
Talonflame is damaged by recoil!
The opposing Azumarill used Aqua Jet!
It's super effective! Talonflame lost 8.1% of its health!
Talonflame fainted!
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
Go! Manectric (Manectric-Mega)!
Pointed stones dug into Manectric!
Manectric intimidates the opposing Azumarill!
The opposing Azumarill's Attack fell!
Turn 19
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
The opposing Azumarill used Aqua Jet!
A critical hit! Manectric lost 63.0% of its health!
Manectric fainted!
Cienight won the battle!
Ladder updating...
PTF-Fildrong's rating: 1826 → 1805
(-21 for losing)
Cienight's rating: 1815 → 1836
(+21 for winning)
PTF-Fildrong: he
Cienight left.
Snif. Quand tu as 10% de perdre sur un crit
- Membre
- 4489 posts
16 juin 2014, 14:35
Mdrrr ces crits décisifs c'est affreux
Flamme Doudoune
- Membre
- 49 posts
16 juin 2014, 15:55
J'en ai un bon dans le genre
Aegislash used Shadow Ball!
The opposing I burn again lost 30.5% of its health!
The opposing I burn again's Special Defense fell!
The opposing I burn again used Recover!
The opposing I burn again regained health!
The opposing I burn again restored HP using its Leftovers!
Aegislash was hurt by its burn!
Turn 20
Aegislash used Shadow Ball!
The opposing I burn again lost 47.2% of its health!
The opposing I burn again used Recover!
The opposing I burn again regained health!
The opposing I burn again restored HP using its Leftovers!
Aegislash was hurt by its burn!
Aegislash fainted!
Go! Thundurus!
Turn 21
Thundurus used Knock Off!
A critical hit! The opposing I burn again lost 61.7% of its health!
Thundurus knocked off the opposing I burn again's Leftovers!
Thundurus lost some of its HP!
The opposing I burn again used Scald!
Thundurus lost 42.6% of its health!
Thundurus was burned!
Thundurus was hurt by its burn!
Turn 22
Thundurus used Hidden Power!
A critical hit! The opposing I burn again lost 28.9% of its health!
Thundurus lost some of its HP!
The opposing I burn again fainted!
Venky125 won the battle!
Ladder updating...
Venky125's rating: 1634 → 1652
(+18 for winning)
ptfFlamme Doudoune's rating: 1612 → 1594
(-18 for losing)
Aegislash used Shadow Ball!
The opposing I burn again lost 30.5% of its health!
The opposing I burn again's Special Defense fell!
The opposing I burn again used Recover!
The opposing I burn again regained health!
The opposing I burn again restored HP using its Leftovers!
Aegislash was hurt by its burn!
Turn 20
Aegislash used Shadow Ball!
The opposing I burn again lost 47.2% of its health!
The opposing I burn again used Recover!
The opposing I burn again regained health!
The opposing I burn again restored HP using its Leftovers!
Aegislash was hurt by its burn!
Aegislash fainted!
Go! Thundurus!
Turn 21
Thundurus used Knock Off!
A critical hit! The opposing I burn again lost 61.7% of its health!
Thundurus knocked off the opposing I burn again's Leftovers!
Thundurus lost some of its HP!
The opposing I burn again used Scald!
Thundurus lost 42.6% of its health!
Thundurus was burned!
Thundurus was hurt by its burn!
Turn 22
Thundurus used Hidden Power!
A critical hit! The opposing I burn again lost 28.9% of its health!
Thundurus lost some of its HP!
The opposing I burn again fainted!
Venky125 won the battle!
Ladder updating...
Venky125's rating: 1634 → 1652
(+18 for winning)
ptfFlamme Doudoune's rating: 1612 → 1594
(-18 for losing)
- Membre
- 1687 posts
captain kitty
- Membre
- 4 posts
18 juin 2014, 00:09
Turn 27
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
The opposing Togekiss used Air Slash!
Vaporeon lost 29.3% of its health!
Vaporeon used Scald!
The opposing Togekiss lost 28.0% of its health!
Vaporeon's wish came true!
The opposing Togekiss restored HP using its Leftovers!
Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 28
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
The opposing Togekiss used Air Slash!
Vaporeon lost 29.7% of its health!
Vaporeon flinched and couldn't move!
The opposing Togekiss restored HP using its Leftovers!
Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 29
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
The opposing Togekiss used Air Slash!
Vaporeon lost 29.7% of its health!
Vaporeon flinched and couldn't move!
The opposing Togekiss restored HP using its Leftovers!
Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 30
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
TheSentinel015: DIE
TheSentinel015: DIE
TheSentinel015: omg
Vaporeon used Protect!
Vaporeon protected itself!
The opposing Togekiss used Air Slash!
Vaporeon protected itself!
The opposing Togekiss restored HP using its Leftovers!
Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 31
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
TheSentinel015: JUST DIE
The opposing Togekiss used Air Slash!
Vaporeon lost 27.2% of its health!
Vaporeon flinched and couldn't move!
The opposing Togekiss restored HP using its Leftovers!
Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 32
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
TheSentinel015: ugh
Vaporeon used Protect!
Vaporeon protected itself!
The opposing Togekiss used Air Slash!
Vaporeon protected itself!
Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 33
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
The opposing Togekiss used Air Slash!
Vaporeon lost 28.7% of its health!
Vaporeon flinched and couldn't move!
Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 34
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
TheSentinel015: OMFG
TheSentinel015: DIE
The opposing Togekiss used Air Slash!
Vaporeon lost 16.6% of its health!
Vaporeon fainted!
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
TheSentinel015: YES
suivi de 2 crit décisifs : heatran qui tue ectoplasma qui devais survivre et le revenge kill, et scarf carcha qui crit son EQ contre mega tyra, alors que je devais encaisser et ice punch carcha puis EQ heatran pour finir la partie T_T
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
The opposing Togekiss used Air Slash!
Vaporeon lost 29.3% of its health!
Vaporeon used Scald!
The opposing Togekiss lost 28.0% of its health!
Vaporeon's wish came true!
The opposing Togekiss restored HP using its Leftovers!
Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 28
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
The opposing Togekiss used Air Slash!
Vaporeon lost 29.7% of its health!
Vaporeon flinched and couldn't move!
The opposing Togekiss restored HP using its Leftovers!
Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 29
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
The opposing Togekiss used Air Slash!
Vaporeon lost 29.7% of its health!
Vaporeon flinched and couldn't move!
The opposing Togekiss restored HP using its Leftovers!
Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 30
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
TheSentinel015: DIE
TheSentinel015: DIE
TheSentinel015: omg
Vaporeon used Protect!
Vaporeon protected itself!
The opposing Togekiss used Air Slash!
Vaporeon protected itself!
The opposing Togekiss restored HP using its Leftovers!
Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 31
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
TheSentinel015: JUST DIE
The opposing Togekiss used Air Slash!
Vaporeon lost 27.2% of its health!
Vaporeon flinched and couldn't move!
The opposing Togekiss restored HP using its Leftovers!
Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 32
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
TheSentinel015: ugh
Vaporeon used Protect!
Vaporeon protected itself!
The opposing Togekiss used Air Slash!
Vaporeon protected itself!
Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 33
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
The opposing Togekiss used Air Slash!
Vaporeon lost 28.7% of its health!
Vaporeon flinched and couldn't move!
Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 34
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
TheSentinel015: OMFG
TheSentinel015: DIE
The opposing Togekiss used Air Slash!
Vaporeon lost 16.6% of its health!
Vaporeon fainted!
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
TheSentinel015: YES
suivi de 2 crit décisifs : heatran qui tue ectoplasma qui devais survivre et le revenge kill, et scarf carcha qui crit son EQ contre mega tyra, alors que je devais encaisser et ice punch carcha puis EQ heatran pour finir la partie T_T
- Membre
- 4489 posts
18 juin 2014, 00:17
C'est quoi le rapport avec le pire de la strat pokémon bro
captain kitty
- Membre
- 4 posts
18 juin 2014, 00:22
je trouve que baser sa stratégie sur "mon 60% de flinch va marcher tout les tours pendant que je lui crie "DIE OMG" c'est pas terrible comme strat. j'aurais pu parler du mec qui me laisse dragon dance 3 tours en essayant d'endormir un 2eme poké malgrés la sleep clause sinon.
- Membre
- 4489 posts
18 juin 2014, 00:25
Ca c'est mieux
M'enfin tu peux rien dire sur le flinch/paraflinch de Togekiss c'est une stratégie normale à part entière
M'enfin tu peux rien dire sur le flinch/paraflinch de Togekiss c'est une stratégie normale à part entière
doux jésus
- Membre
- 11188 posts
- Membre
- 3506 posts
18 juin 2014, 14:02
Ce earthquake consécutif sur skarmory putain, il a raison tu joues tellement mal quoi x)
- Membre
- 13981 posts
18 juin 2014, 14:40
Oui cet enchaînement de séismes, tellement violent <3
- Membre
- 1687 posts
19 juin 2014, 17:36
Jawedkbo: slt tous le monde je suis un stratege qui a gané le mondiale
Jawedkbo: je ven ma team car je suis docteur et je ve lu jouer a àpoke
Jawedkbo: je ven ma team car je suis docteur et je ve lu jouer a àpoke
- Membre
- 4489 posts
19 juin 2014, 17:44
MDRRR c'était dans la room fr ?
- Membre
- 1687 posts
19 juin 2014, 17:59
Non, sur French time
La room fr c'est encore pire parfois
La room fr c'est encore pire parfois
caca mou
- Membre
- 4146 posts
19 juin 2014, 18:02
combien pour sa team?
- Membre
- 4489 posts
19 juin 2014, 18:13
Tu la connais sa team du coup ?
- Membre
- 1687 posts
19 juin 2014, 18:24
Nn, pas plus d'infos dsl
- Membre
- 40 posts
19 juin 2014, 20:10
Aujourd'hui je suis tombé sur quelqu'un spammant close combat sur mon exagide, me laissant le temps de placer un +4 Atk via danse lame. Avec étouraptor ayant "baie oran" comme objet. ( Par contre j'ia oublié de prendre le lien du combat >_> )
- Membre
- 400 posts
21 juin 2014, 00:52
Une équipe entièrement basé sur le Fear+SwagPlay
Une équipe entièrement basé sur le Fear+SwagPlay
- Membre
- 4020 posts
- Membre
- 51 posts
23 juin 2014, 05:20
-charizard mega evolue en charizard Y
-*je switch sur tyranocif*, charizard Y utilise cognobidon
-charizard Y utilise air slash *tyranocif perd presque rien*, *le mec commence a m'insulter*
-*je switch sur tyranocif*, charizard Y utilise cognobidon
-charizard Y utilise air slash *tyranocif perd presque rien*, *le mec commence a m'insulter*
- Membre
- 118 posts
23 juin 2014, 10:25
Tout le monde a commencé hein. Par contre la prochaine fois, replay quand même 

- Membre
- 1225 posts
23 juin 2014, 10:40
Air slash... Il avait pas Séisme ?
- Membre
- 1978 posts
23 juin 2014, 13:18
Turn 1
Landorus-Therian used U-turn!
A critical hit! It's super effective! The opposing Deoxys-Speed lost 81% of its health!
Landorus-Therian went back to charcoco!
Go! Greninja!
The opposing Deoxys-Speed used Taunt!
Greninja fell for the taunt!
Turn 2
Greninja's Protean made it the Ghost type!
Greninja used Shadow Sneak!
It's super effective! The opposing Deoxys-Speed lost 19% of its health!
Greninja lost some of its HP!
The opposing Deoxys-Speed fainted!
wcxsad sent out Staraptor!
Turn 3
The opposing Staraptor used Double-Edge!
It doesn't affect Greninja...
Greninja's Protean made it the Ice type!
Greninja used Ice Beam!
It's super effective! The opposing Staraptor lost 100% of its health!
Greninja lost some of its HP!
The opposing Staraptor fainted!
wcxsad forfeited.
deo S outspeed par lando T scarf,
Landorus-Therian used U-turn!
A critical hit! It's super effective! The opposing Deoxys-Speed lost 81% of its health!
Landorus-Therian went back to charcoco!
Go! Greninja!
The opposing Deoxys-Speed used Taunt!
Greninja fell for the taunt!
Turn 2
Greninja's Protean made it the Ghost type!
Greninja used Shadow Sneak!
It's super effective! The opposing Deoxys-Speed lost 19% of its health!
Greninja lost some of its HP!
The opposing Deoxys-Speed fainted!
wcxsad sent out Staraptor!
Turn 3
The opposing Staraptor used Double-Edge!
It doesn't affect Greninja...
Greninja's Protean made it the Ice type!
Greninja used Ice Beam!
It's super effective! The opposing Staraptor lost 100% of its health!
Greninja lost some of its HP!
The opposing Staraptor fainted!
wcxsad forfeited.
deo S outspeed par lando T scarf,

- Membre
- 13981 posts
23 juin 2014, 14:09
Certains ne mettent pas tous les EV vitesse sur Deoxys-S parce qu'ils s'en tapent de dépasser les scarfs (un Deoxys-S dépasse tout ce qui est non-scarf assez facilement de toute façon) et préfèrent mettre dans le bulk, à en juger par les dégâts relativement bas qu'il a pris sur ce Demi-tour.
252 Atk Landorus-T U-turn vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Deoxys-S on a critical hit: 272-320 (89.4 - 105.2%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO
C'est pas forcément l'option la plus utile mais je peux comprendre pourquoi certains choisissent de faire ça
252 Atk Landorus-T U-turn vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Deoxys-S on a critical hit: 272-320 (89.4 - 105.2%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO
C'est pas forcément l'option la plus utile mais je peux comprendre pourquoi certains choisissent de faire ça
- Membre
- 4489 posts
23 juin 2014, 17:34
La triste mort de Staraptor.
- Membre
- 1687 posts
23 juin 2014, 21:32
Simlock, pro tip: arrête de lead avec Lando pour placer un "U-Turn gratuit" quand tu vois Deo-S. Pourquoi c'est mal jouer? Parce que le mec ne switchera jamais si il veut placer ses hazards, donc le U-Turn est inutile, et surtout y'a des Deo-S qui ont Ice Beam. Tu prenais beaucoup moins de risques et leadant avec Gren, en faisant Ice Beam puis Shadow Sneak.