Discussion générale stratégie
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30 décembre 2014, 01:22
ça aurait été marrant
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- 64 posts
30 décembre 2014, 02:05
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- 3506 posts
30 décembre 2014, 03:41
Non c'est pas possible on doit attendre jusqu'au 11 Janvier minimum pour ça.
caca mou
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- 4146 posts
30 décembre 2014, 21:34
Ce soir dans mon live j'ai géré une équipe comprenant mega drattak amphinobi sylveon motisma noacier et Cisayox avec ceci :

Ecremeuh OP

Ecremeuh OP
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- 1225 posts
30 décembre 2014, 21:37
Svp, j'ai un Primo-Groudon Modeste sur Cartouche, et j'aimerais quand même le jouer, est-ce qu'il y a une façon intéressante de le jouer avec cette nature (donc en attaquant spécial) ?
doux jésus
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- 11188 posts
30 décembre 2014, 21:48
ton adversaire devait petre vachement fort fildrong !!
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- 3251 posts
30 décembre 2014, 21:50
j'espère que tu as utilisé mon module de traduction !!!
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- 3506 posts
30 décembre 2014, 21:57
Non désolé, encore que tu peux test une version off spé avec solar beam/thunderbolt, earthpower, fire blast et hp ice/dragon pulse/rock polish mais bon, ça va pas casser trois pattes à un canard boiteux, avec le bulk orienté spé en uber (cela dit tu peux lure un physical wall avec, ce qui peut surprendre).
Bref c'est jouable, c'est pas ce que peut faire de mieux Primaldon, mais ça reste convenable (du coup t'as intérêt à bourriner niveau sweeper physique derrière si tu veux vraiment le rendre utile).
Bref c'est jouable, c'est pas ce que peut faire de mieux Primaldon, mais ça reste convenable (du coup t'as intérêt à bourriner niveau sweeper physique derrière si tu veux vraiment le rendre utile).
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- 1225 posts
30 décembre 2014, 22:00
Bon j'vais tenter ce que tu me dis, en gardant R-Polish et SolarBeam, et si ça marche pas et qu'il est pas assez utile, ben j'abandonnerai l'idée 

caca mou
- Membre
- 4146 posts
30 décembre 2014, 22:01
ton adversaire devait petre vachement fort fildrong !!
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- 3 posts
01 janvier 2015, 14:18
Qui pour remplacer Amphinobi en OU alors? Staross peut-être? Car il n'y a pas beaucoup de sweepers spéciaux en OU...
doux jésus
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- 11188 posts
01 janvier 2015, 14:19
mega laggron
ice beam
hp grass
ice beam
hp grass
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- 3 posts
01 janvier 2015, 14:37
Ah oui pas mal merci ^^ mais ça signifie perdre un slot de Méga aussi =/
Un passant ordinaire
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- 2516 posts
01 janvier 2015, 15:39
J'avais jamais essayé les batailles inversées, mais c'est assez fun au final. Regice est vraiment monstrueux dans ce format
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- 2 posts
04 janvier 2015, 20:15
Bonjour à toutes et à tous, je souhaiterai me mettre à la stratégie pokemon mais je suis encore novice donc j'en viens à demander votre aide afin de savoir s'il vous est possible de me conseiller pour créer une équipe pokemon basée sur mon pokemon préferé : Méga-dracaufeu Y
Merci d'avance
(une équipe duo car je préfère le duo au solo mais si vous proposez aussi en solo, tout me va
Merci d'avance

(une équipe duo car je préfère le duo au solo mais si vous proposez aussi en solo, tout me va

doux jésus
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- 11188 posts
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- 13 posts
04 janvier 2015, 21:01
Salut a toi Anoine, avant de commencer a faire une équipe il faut deja que tu nous donnes plus de détails, es tu au point sur les bases de la stratégie ( EV, IV, natures, ) ? Je te conseille l'onglet sratégie de Ptrash qui est très facile a comprendre si tu débutes
« Modifié: 05 janvier 2015, 01:16 par Manna »

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- 3 posts
05 janvier 2015, 17:23
On peut rejouer avec Amphinobi en OU sur Pokémon Showdown, mais apparemment son sort va se décider ce week-end.
caca mou
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- 4146 posts
05 janvier 2015, 19:01
The opposing Glalie's Glalitite is reacting to MisterRem's Mega Bracelet!
The opposing Glalie has Mega Evolved into Mega Glalie!
The opposing Glalie used Ice Shard!
It's super effective! The substitute took damage for CoupCritique!
CoupCritique used Hammer Arm!
It's super effective! The opposing Glalie lost 39% of its health!
CoupCritique's Speed fell!
The opposing Glalie fainted!
oniglali mega qui peut pas péter un sub de mon chestnaught avec de la prio :S
The opposing Glalie has Mega Evolved into Mega Glalie!
The opposing Glalie used Ice Shard!
It's super effective! The substitute took damage for CoupCritique!
CoupCritique used Hammer Arm!
It's super effective! The opposing Glalie lost 39% of its health!
CoupCritique's Speed fell!
The opposing Glalie fainted!
oniglali mega qui peut pas péter un sub de mon chestnaught avec de la prio :S
doux jésus
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- 11188 posts
05 janvier 2015, 19:05
il le joue jovial ?
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- 64 posts
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- 4489 posts
06 janvier 2015, 01:52
"Dragalge has been a very interesting Pokemon since the release of Pokemon X and Y. Its Poison / Dragon typing is unique to only Dragalge itself, and this allows it to defeat Fairy-type Pokemon with relative ease. Like with most Dragon-types, it has a very colorful movepool that includes coverage options, such as Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Scald, Shadow Ball, and Hydro Pump. Dragalge even gets access to Toxic Spikes to make some use out of its incredible base 123 Special Defense. However, ever since its release, Dragalge was stuck in the depths of NU. Within NU, it was definitely a solid Pokemon with the ability to either support its team with Toxic Spikes and useful resistances to Electric, Fire, Grass, and Fighting, or being capable of unleashing powerful Draco Meteors to punch holes in opposing teams. Dragalge's main sticking points were a lack of reliable recovery, a very poor base 44 Speed, and a base 97 Special Attack stat that just didn't let Dragalge hit as hard as it would have liked.
However, everybody knew that the inability to hit as hard as it would like would be changed sooner or later. Dragalge's Hidden Ability of Adaptability was not available for the duration of XY, but everyone knew that Dragalge would get a whole lot better once the ability was made legal. Finally, in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, this thought became reality. Dragalge quickly became one of the top powerhouses in RU by throwing around strong Adaptability, Choice Specs-boosted Draco Meteors that teams need bulky Steel-types or a Fairy-type just to take on. Even the top Steel-type of RU, Cobalion, takes an incredible amount of damage from Draco Meteor with its support set, meaning teams have to resort to the likes of Bronzong and Registeel to tank out these attacks. The reason Fairy-types are so risky to switch-in is obvious. STAB Sludge Bomb is going to be eliminating them, making it almost mandatory to have both a sturdy Steel-type and a Fairy-type, such as Aromatisse or Whimsicott, to make it a challenge for the Dragalge user to get a KO at will. Dragalge is still held back by a very low Speed stat, and a lack of reliable recovery, but don't let this stop you from trying out one of the top wallbreakers in ORAS RU. So what should you be using with Dragalge anyway? As previously alluded to, a Choice Specs set is definitely the way to go thanks to Adaptability and strong coverage with just its STAB moves alone. In the end, it should look something like this:
Dragalge @ Choice Specs
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 200 HP / 252 SpA / 56 Spe
Modest Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Sludge Bomb
- Dragon Pulse
- Focus Blast / Hidden Power Fire
Draco Meteor and Sludge Bomb are fairly self-explanatory. They're Dragalge's best STAB moves and offer a lot of power with Choice Specs and Adaptability backing them up. Dragon Pulse is there for when you will need to keep Dragalge in for a couple of turns, or if the opponent lacks a way to quickly take out Dragalge and has no Dragon-type resistances remaining on his or her team. The last slot is dedicated to Steel-types as they are the only ones that can handle both STAB moves. Focus Blast is stronger and harder to set up on in general, but it has shaky accuracy. Hidden Power Fire is much weaker, but it has one key advantage over Focus Blast: it hits Assault Vest Escavalier, the most common offensive switch-in for Dragalge in RU. If your team has issues with Escavalier, Hidden Power Fire is the way to go. Otherwise, Focus Blast will be good enough for you. The Speed EVs allow Dragalge to outspeed the likes of Druddigon, Registeel, and Tangrowth, all of which Dragalge can dispose of with the proper move.
Dragalge has quite the middling Speed stat, so paralysis support can be a great way to get even more out of Dragalge against faster paced teams. Cresselia is, bar none, the best paralysis inducer RU has to offer thanks to her titanic mixed bulk and ability to handle virtually any attack that is aimed at Dragalge. If you can't afford paralysis support, but still want to bolster Dragalge's performance against faster teams, you can opt to provide it with Trick Room support. Bronzong, Slowking, Reuniclus, and Cofagrigus are all solid Trick Room setters that can help Dragalge "outspeed" the opposition within the twisted dimensions. If you go this route, be sure to use a Quiet nature, allocate all Speed EVs to HP and reduce Speed IV to 0, (2 if you're using Hidden Power Fire) and change the item to a Life Orb to allow Dragalge to switch attacks. Outside of Speed support, Dragalge loves Spikes support since, outside of Bronzong, its best responses are all grounded. Omastar and Accelgor are great Spikes users for offensive teams while bulkier teams will find Qwilfish quite useful for this role. While Dragalge loves Spikes support, it's not a major fan of having to deal with them upon switching in. As Dragalge switches in and out a lot like most other Choiced Pokemon, Rapid Spin or Defog support can be very beneficial. Gligar is easily the best Defogger in RU, but more offensive teams may prefer Shiftry or Skuntank for such support. As for Rapid Spin, Hitmonlee and Kabutops work for offensive teams, while Hitmontop is a viable option for bulkier teams. As Dragalge will be punching holes in the opposing team, fast special attackers that can take advantage of this are recommended. Mega Sceptile is the most notable one since it shares a lot of checks and counters with Dragalge and is only outsped by opposing Choice Scarf users. Other Pokemon to consider are Choice Scarf Moltres, Mega Pidgeot, and Jolteon.
So, when the Pokemon you're trying to take hits from has strong coverage with its STAB moves alone, Adaptability to make said STAB moves even stronger, and is often wielding a Choice Specs in order to amplify this power even more, how do you go about beating it? As alluded to throughout this, Bronzong and Registeel are, bar none, the best switch-ins for Dragalge. If you have either of these Steel-types on your team, it is highly recommended to switch them in immediately if your opponent sends out Dragalge. However, be wary of the fact that these Steel-types lack reliable recovery, so they can be worn down by repeated switch-ins. Cresselia is the next best option at your disposal. Despite not having a resistance to Draco Meteor, Cresselia can switch into it and utilize Moonlight to regain much of the HP she lost. However, Draco Meteor outdamages Moonlight recovery, so it's wise to not rely too much on Cresselia to take hits from Dragalge. Having a way to deter Draco Meteor can also be a very effective way to handle Dragalge, as that is the strongest move it has. Fairy-types, such as Aromatisse, Whimsicott, and Granbull are immune to Draco Meteor. Even having them in your team should make opposing Dragalge think twice about using Draco Meteor. As Dragalge lacks reliable recovery and will switch in and out quite a bit, entry hazards can wear it down fairly quickly in conjunction with the resisted attacks it will try to come in on. Finally, Dragalge is rather slow. If nothing else, you can keep it from getting many free chances to switch-in by keeping up offensive pressure. Volt Switch users, such as Eelektross, Jolteon, and Cobalion can be especially effective at this since these are types of Pokemon that Dragalge will likely want to come in against due to its resistance to their primary STAB options, thus allowing you to get some valuable chip damage while applying quick offensive pressure on Dragalge at the same time. Pokemon like Tyrantrum, Meloetta, and Mega Sceptile are solid Pokemon to follow up a Volt Switch on Dragalge with, but there is no better response after a Volt Switch on a Dragalge switching in than Dugtrio. Thanks to Arena Trap, Dugtrio will instantly KO Dragalge with Earthquake and remove it from the battle on the spot. It goes without saying that pulling this off can be very satisfying for you, and very frustrating for your opponent.
Dragalge is a powerhouse in RU now that it has Adaptability backing up its powerful STAB moves. It certainly isn't without its faults, but Dragalge should make a very fine addition to almost any RU team out there thanks to its wallbreaking capabilities and useful resistances. "
tl;dr : Dragalge est cool, mais still en dessous de l'OU
However, everybody knew that the inability to hit as hard as it would like would be changed sooner or later. Dragalge's Hidden Ability of Adaptability was not available for the duration of XY, but everyone knew that Dragalge would get a whole lot better once the ability was made legal. Finally, in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, this thought became reality. Dragalge quickly became one of the top powerhouses in RU by throwing around strong Adaptability, Choice Specs-boosted Draco Meteors that teams need bulky Steel-types or a Fairy-type just to take on. Even the top Steel-type of RU, Cobalion, takes an incredible amount of damage from Draco Meteor with its support set, meaning teams have to resort to the likes of Bronzong and Registeel to tank out these attacks. The reason Fairy-types are so risky to switch-in is obvious. STAB Sludge Bomb is going to be eliminating them, making it almost mandatory to have both a sturdy Steel-type and a Fairy-type, such as Aromatisse or Whimsicott, to make it a challenge for the Dragalge user to get a KO at will. Dragalge is still held back by a very low Speed stat, and a lack of reliable recovery, but don't let this stop you from trying out one of the top wallbreakers in ORAS RU. So what should you be using with Dragalge anyway? As previously alluded to, a Choice Specs set is definitely the way to go thanks to Adaptability and strong coverage with just its STAB moves alone. In the end, it should look something like this:
Dragalge @ Choice Specs
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 200 HP / 252 SpA / 56 Spe
Modest Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Sludge Bomb
- Dragon Pulse
- Focus Blast / Hidden Power Fire
Draco Meteor and Sludge Bomb are fairly self-explanatory. They're Dragalge's best STAB moves and offer a lot of power with Choice Specs and Adaptability backing them up. Dragon Pulse is there for when you will need to keep Dragalge in for a couple of turns, or if the opponent lacks a way to quickly take out Dragalge and has no Dragon-type resistances remaining on his or her team. The last slot is dedicated to Steel-types as they are the only ones that can handle both STAB moves. Focus Blast is stronger and harder to set up on in general, but it has shaky accuracy. Hidden Power Fire is much weaker, but it has one key advantage over Focus Blast: it hits Assault Vest Escavalier, the most common offensive switch-in for Dragalge in RU. If your team has issues with Escavalier, Hidden Power Fire is the way to go. Otherwise, Focus Blast will be good enough for you. The Speed EVs allow Dragalge to outspeed the likes of Druddigon, Registeel, and Tangrowth, all of which Dragalge can dispose of with the proper move.
Dragalge has quite the middling Speed stat, so paralysis support can be a great way to get even more out of Dragalge against faster paced teams. Cresselia is, bar none, the best paralysis inducer RU has to offer thanks to her titanic mixed bulk and ability to handle virtually any attack that is aimed at Dragalge. If you can't afford paralysis support, but still want to bolster Dragalge's performance against faster teams, you can opt to provide it with Trick Room support. Bronzong, Slowking, Reuniclus, and Cofagrigus are all solid Trick Room setters that can help Dragalge "outspeed" the opposition within the twisted dimensions. If you go this route, be sure to use a Quiet nature, allocate all Speed EVs to HP and reduce Speed IV to 0, (2 if you're using Hidden Power Fire) and change the item to a Life Orb to allow Dragalge to switch attacks. Outside of Speed support, Dragalge loves Spikes support since, outside of Bronzong, its best responses are all grounded. Omastar and Accelgor are great Spikes users for offensive teams while bulkier teams will find Qwilfish quite useful for this role. While Dragalge loves Spikes support, it's not a major fan of having to deal with them upon switching in. As Dragalge switches in and out a lot like most other Choiced Pokemon, Rapid Spin or Defog support can be very beneficial. Gligar is easily the best Defogger in RU, but more offensive teams may prefer Shiftry or Skuntank for such support. As for Rapid Spin, Hitmonlee and Kabutops work for offensive teams, while Hitmontop is a viable option for bulkier teams. As Dragalge will be punching holes in the opposing team, fast special attackers that can take advantage of this are recommended. Mega Sceptile is the most notable one since it shares a lot of checks and counters with Dragalge and is only outsped by opposing Choice Scarf users. Other Pokemon to consider are Choice Scarf Moltres, Mega Pidgeot, and Jolteon.
So, when the Pokemon you're trying to take hits from has strong coverage with its STAB moves alone, Adaptability to make said STAB moves even stronger, and is often wielding a Choice Specs in order to amplify this power even more, how do you go about beating it? As alluded to throughout this, Bronzong and Registeel are, bar none, the best switch-ins for Dragalge. If you have either of these Steel-types on your team, it is highly recommended to switch them in immediately if your opponent sends out Dragalge. However, be wary of the fact that these Steel-types lack reliable recovery, so they can be worn down by repeated switch-ins. Cresselia is the next best option at your disposal. Despite not having a resistance to Draco Meteor, Cresselia can switch into it and utilize Moonlight to regain much of the HP she lost. However, Draco Meteor outdamages Moonlight recovery, so it's wise to not rely too much on Cresselia to take hits from Dragalge. Having a way to deter Draco Meteor can also be a very effective way to handle Dragalge, as that is the strongest move it has. Fairy-types, such as Aromatisse, Whimsicott, and Granbull are immune to Draco Meteor. Even having them in your team should make opposing Dragalge think twice about using Draco Meteor. As Dragalge lacks reliable recovery and will switch in and out quite a bit, entry hazards can wear it down fairly quickly in conjunction with the resisted attacks it will try to come in on. Finally, Dragalge is rather slow. If nothing else, you can keep it from getting many free chances to switch-in by keeping up offensive pressure. Volt Switch users, such as Eelektross, Jolteon, and Cobalion can be especially effective at this since these are types of Pokemon that Dragalge will likely want to come in against due to its resistance to their primary STAB options, thus allowing you to get some valuable chip damage while applying quick offensive pressure on Dragalge at the same time. Pokemon like Tyrantrum, Meloetta, and Mega Sceptile are solid Pokemon to follow up a Volt Switch on Dragalge with, but there is no better response after a Volt Switch on a Dragalge switching in than Dugtrio. Thanks to Arena Trap, Dugtrio will instantly KO Dragalge with Earthquake and remove it from the battle on the spot. It goes without saying that pulling this off can be very satisfying for you, and very frustrating for your opponent.
Dragalge is a powerhouse in RU now that it has Adaptability backing up its powerful STAB moves. It certainly isn't without its faults, but Dragalge should make a very fine addition to almost any RU team out there thanks to its wallbreaking capabilities and useful resistances. "
tl;dr : Dragalge est cool, mais still en dessous de l'OU
doux jésus
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- 11188 posts
06 janvier 2015, 04:07
quelle surprise !
Un passant ordinaire
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- 2516 posts
06 janvier 2015, 07:14
Faudrait que j'essaie aussi un set avec la veste d'assaut, ca pourrait être bien accompagné d'un gros mur physique
Faudrait que j'essaie aussi un set avec la veste d'assaut, ca pourrait être bien accompagné d'un gros mur physique
doux jésus
- Membre
- 11188 posts
06 janvier 2015, 12:41
il n'a pas sa place en OU, malgré sa capa il manque des ko, est bien trop fragile, double type pas si optimal que ça sur le terrain (je rappelle que les gros sweepers indémodables sont lati@s, lando t, dragonite, bisharp, à côté y'a aussi laggron, m loppuny, 'fin bref
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- 4489 posts
06 janvier 2015, 14:56
Il a raison, c'est décevant mais bon
Un passant ordinaire
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- 2516 posts
06 janvier 2015, 17:35
Oui, c'est assez dommage, il lui aurait fallu un peu plus d'attaque spéciale et de vitessepour devenir plus dangereux
valentin buck
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06 janvier 2015, 17:37
attnedez le mlega
Un passant ordinaire
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06 janvier 2015, 17:39
S'il a une méga, elle a intérêt à bien booster l'attaque spéciale pour compenser le manque de choice specs, qui est souvent essentiel pour bien frapper
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- 64 posts
06 janvier 2015, 21:28
Et qu'il garde adaptabilité