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Il n'y a pas d'équipe parfaite, seulement un dresseur parfait
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je voudrais connaitre l'équipe parfaite
as-tu une question ?
je voudrais connaitre l'équipe parfaite
Il n'y a pas d'équipe parfaite, seulement un dresseur parfait
exagide ballon
Pas une très bonne idée Exagide Ballon
Pas une très bonne idée Exagide Ballon
exagide ballon
Fire blast avec 120 base spatk qui passe aussi airmure noacier et forretress donc plus ou moins obligé en coverage pour un extremekiller
Trop dur à utiliser comme objet je trouve. Les joueurs commencent à connaitre le métagame, on sait qu'il est pas jouable sans King's Shield, alors certains (sauf ceux qui se sont pas assez informés bien sur) savent éviter les attaques directes contre lui. En solo, et meilleur en duo, un spécial viens lui mettre un coup et hop, c'est un ballon qui éclate en une seule attaque, et on enchaine avec ce spécial ou avec Earthquake qui est rependu.
Pareil pour Kelfki d'ailleurs, absolument useless de le jouer Ballon
ça change tout tu vois, tu as 4 arceus moi j'ai exagide + heatran ballon its over
Tu ne m'as jamais affronté
ça change tout tu vois, tu as 4 arceus moi j'ai exagide + heatran ballon its over
Ok on essaie un match?
je veux voir ton heatran gérer un extremekiller avec shadow force et earthquake/fire blast. Si t'arrives a me le tuer en 2 coups ca va, sinon tu perds ton ballon tour un et tu meurs tour 2.
Cherche pas des contres y'en a un seul : unaware full def quagsire. Des checks défensifs, y'en a 3 : giratina, lugia multiscale et arceus ghost. Des checks offensifs y'en a 1 : Terrakion scarf.
C'est le pokemon le plus abusé du jeu, et c'est pas pour rien que smogon a pensé très sérieusement a le ban des ubers.
Donc sur une note plus sérieuse : ni exagide ni heatran ne sont des contres ni meme des checks a arceus extremekiller en generalSpoilerShould you see Arceus on Team Preview, it is critical to rule out the presence of Extreme Killer before letting your answers to Him become compromised. While there is no true counter to Extreme Killer outside of Unaware Quagsire, there are four that can easily deal with Him for the most part: Skarmory, Wallceus, Great Wall Giratina, and Multiscale Lugia. All four of these checks can either stall Extreme Killer to death should they be healthy or phaze Him in the scenario that they are weakened or unwilling to risk a possible miss. However, even the toughest of checks can fall to the right move or item, albeit in circumstantial situations. Toxic Skarmory falls to non-rain Overheats and Fire Blasts and has to be wary of last-Pokemon +6 Brick Breaks. Faster, boosted, Life Orb Brick Breaks overpower Wallceus, while last-Pokemon Lum Berry Brick Break variants are problematic should He be running the shaky Will-O-Wisp. Similarly, Giratina bows down to a boosted Shadow Force, last-Pokemon Lum Berry Shadow Claw variants, or last-Pokemon Recover variants with Shadow Claw. Reflect + Toxic Lugia is overwhelmed by boosted Life Orb Shadow Claws after Stealth Rock. All of them must also watch out for the rare Bandceus that can Trick a crippling Choice Band.
Rather than pseudo-countering Extreme Killer, it is easier to keep Him in check using multiple Pokemon through concerted means. For example, although Choice Scarf Terrakion cannot switch into Earthquake, it can easily survive a boosted ExtremeSpeed and revenge kill with Close Combat. However, should Arceus manage to survive, a combination check can be used to finish Him off. Offensive Ghost Arceus is an excellent example, as His immunity to ExtremeSpeed allows Him to revenge kill weakened Extreme Killer. With smart combinations of both strong and lesser checks, the application of high pressure to limit setup opportunities, and careful conservation of these aforementioned checks, it is more than possible to deal with Extreme Killer.
Thanks to priority Will-O-Wisp and Foul Play, Sableye is an excellent check. However, it will lose to sun-boosted Life Orb Overheat or Lum Berry Earthquake variants after Stealth Rock. Support Ghost Arceus can be used similarly to Wallceus, but the lack of Leftovers, a strong attacking move, and His weakness to Shadow Force and Shadow Claw makes Him the lesser check. Physically defensive Groudon and Hippowdon are very effective phazers, but can be worn down. Rock and Steel Arceus can also use a support set like Ghost Arceus, but the weakness to Earthquake and Brick Break is quite unfortunate. Likewise, Fighting Arceus favors an approach similar to Terrakion, but obtains reliable recovery and bulk at the cost of power and the resistance to ExtremeSpeed. Thankfully, Arceus formes that carry Plates are very effective against Bandceus, though they dislike taking super effective attacks.
Although it loses to Brick Break and non-rain Overheats and Fire Blasts, a physically defensive Bronzong can stall many variants. Along the same lines as Terrakion and Fighting Arceus, other revenge killers can include Choice Scarf users such as Dialga and Heatran or Swift Swim users such as Kabutops and Omastar. However, they are generally less effective due to their weather dependency or lack of power. A physically defensive Giratina-O variant can survive any boosted move bar Shadow Force or possibly Dragon Claw and either Will-O-Wisp or phaze Him out. It also has an immunity to Trick, which is handy against Bandceus. Choice Band Landorus-T and Scizor can tank a boosted attack and inflict severe damage or possibly OHKO with Superpower, but have to be perfectly conserved. An utmost conserved physically defensive Forretress can triumph using Toxic and Pain Split, but will still lose to Fire Blast and Overheat. It also loses to Life Orb or Lum Berry Earthquake variants, but is still able to cripple Him. Similarly, physically defensive Ferrothorn is an annoyance with Leech Seed and Iron Barbs, but performs best when used as a combination check. If all else fails, faster Pokemon that are immune or resistant to ExtremeSpeed can attempt to use Destiny Bond, Trick, or Explosion to stop His sweep, but it will almost always result in their loss. Similarly, although no Intimidate user can truly stand up to Extreme Killer, the Attack drop might allow others to defeat Him.
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Parce que vu tes propos je me demande si tu connais quelque chose a l'uber.
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