Salut les trasheurs,
en regardant la mini-série d'ascuns sur Pokémon Zeta, et en jouant a Omicron,
j'me suis dit: "Pourquoi ne pas en faire profiter les trasheurs?"
alors voilà, j'vais faire court: j'vous met les liens de téléchargement des deux jeux
c'est ici pour télécharger
note: pour jouer, téléchargez la version 1.4 (le zip d'environ 130 Mo pour windows et 326 Mo pour Mac)
et mettez le patch pour avoir la dernière version (le zip de 50Mo se nommant 1.4.10zeta/
Note: le Patchage se fait en Copie-Colle et ça prend environ 5 minutes
"sans eux, ce jeu n'existerait pas"
thesuzerain qui en a eu l'idée
Nintendo/GameFreak - for Pokemon (The game we all know and love)
Enterbrain - for RPG Maker, the program this game is created with
Maruno/Poccil/Flameguru - for Pokemon Essentials, filled to the brim with poke-scripts and sprites
Help-14/Zingzangs/Rick1234/rayd12smitty - for the Following Pokemon script.
/u/mrsinger186 for the great jirachi/victini music!
/u/i_am_sad for the super-awesome old title screens!
/u/echothethird for the even better new ones!
Thanks to /u/LunarDusk, /u/Othienka, /u/1ofthe4rocketbros, /u/mikraus1999, /u/round_shot, /u/eduardog3000, /u/Pikachumazzinga and /u/Sicns for the INCREDIBLY AWESOME new icons :] they look great
Carmaniac - for Speech Bubbles, making complex scenes a lot easier to follow
/u/jimbobhas for the yogscast sprites :]
FL - for the Pokemon Selection script, as well as the controls rebinding script
MAK1N0 - for a script to view IV/EVs in-game
/u/1ofthe4rocketbros for the great mega milotic sprite!
/u/alexandre_d - the genius behind the online trading/battling
Othienka - for the fantastic armored mewtwo sprites
Xeon-Licrate - the original Red VS sprite that was recolored to make the male protagonist VS
Tomycase, the fantabulous original johto mega starter designs
P-Sign - lots of sprites contributed, many thanks
da-suspect / Shadow-Chaos00 - many thanks for the great hoenn vs sprites! these will come into play in a future update
JoeTE - the awesome Miror B battle sprite, that disco vigilante you all know and love
Miror. B battle music midi, by Nova Foss
Sylveon World Sprite, by Kyle-Dove
Deviant art user AurumDeluxe for the fantastic XY icons!
/u/BionicleManF, he sprited mega johto starters (not the original designer but the spriter), as well as pretty much all the texture packs you'll see here and Mega Crawdaunt!
/u/eduardog3000 for the autopatcher and mega johto sprites (also hilarious irc bots)
/u/devilbat26000 for the Aegislash, Noivern and Zygarde world sprites
DeviantArt user Anvil555 for the Hawlucha world sprites
Umbreon and Saving Raven for the GTS scripts and graphics!
Pokemon XY Sprite Credit
Smogon University is running a project known as the XY Sprite project (managed by Layell).
The credits for the sprite project can be viewed here.
Contributors to the project (of whose sprites I used) include:
Legitimate Username
Red Rooster
The Reptile
Many thanks to all of them
Nintendo/GameFreak - for Pokemon (The game we all know and love)
Enterbrain - for RPG Maker, the program this game is created with
Maruno/Poccil/Flameguru - for Pokemon Essentials, filled to the brim with poke-scripts and sprites
Help-14/Zingzangs/Rick1234/rayd12smitty - for the Following Pokemon script.
/u/mrsinger186 for the great jirachi/victini music!
/u/i_am_sad for the super-awesome old title screens!
/u/echothethird for the even better new ones!
Thanks to /u/LunarDusk, /u/Othienka, /u/1ofthe4rocketbros, /u/mikraus1999, /u/round_shot, /u/eduardog3000, /u/Pikachumazzinga and /u/Sicns for the INCREDIBLY AWESOME new icons :] they look great
Carmaniac - for Speech Bubbles, making complex scenes a lot easier to follow
/u/jimbobhas for the yogscast sprites :]
FL - for the Pokemon Selection script, as well as the controls rebinding script
MAK1N0 - for a script to view IV/EVs in-game
/u/1ofthe4rocketbros for the great mega milotic sprite!
/u/alexandre_d - the genius behind the online trading/battling
Othienka - for the fantastic armored mewtwo sprites
Xeon-Licrate - the original Red VS sprite that was recolored to make the male protagonist VS
Tomycase, the fantabulous original johto mega starter designs
P-Sign - lots of sprites contributed, many thanks
da-suspect / Shadow-Chaos00 - many thanks for the great hoenn vs sprites! these will come into play in a future update
JoeTE - the awesome Miror B battle sprite, that disco vigilante you all know and love
Miror. B battle music midi, by Nova Foss
Sylveon World Sprite, by Kyle-Dove
Deviant art user AurumDeluxe for the fantastic XY icons!
/u/BionicleManF, he sprited mega johto starters (not the original designer but the spriter), as well as pretty much all the texture packs you'll see here and Mega Crawdaunt!
/u/eduardog3000 for the autopatcher and mega johto sprites (also hilarious irc bots)
/u/devilbat26000 for the Aegislash, Noivern and Zygarde world sprites
DeviantArt user Anvil555 for the Hawlucha world sprites
Umbreon and Saving Raven for the GTS scripts and graphics!
Pokemon XY Sprite Credit
Smogon University is running a project known as the XY Sprite project (managed by Layell).
The credits for the sprite project can be viewed here.
Contributors to the project (of whose sprites I used) include:
Legitimate Username
Red Rooster
The Reptile
Many thanks to all of them
Mais...on s'attend a quoi?
Et bien, pour ceux qui veulent du défi, il y a plus de 80 heures de jeu, un mode Nuzlocke (histoire de corser le jeu), plus de 700 Pokémons a capturer...bref du lourd
Pour plus d'infos sur le jeu, c'est sur le Wikia du jeu que vous en saurez plus.
les compléments, pour que le jeu soit amélioré visuellement (Non obligatoire)(tout est en drag & drop)
-pack Noir & Blanc (pokéballs, carte dresseur et sac style NB) :
-pack estétique Omicron:
-pack estétique Zeta:
-Amélioration globale (pour avoir un Style moins pixellisé)
Les packs suivants sont les Pokémons animés
/!\peut plomber la vitesse du jeu/!\/!\Nécéssite la suppression des .PNG (sans retour)/!\
-pack Pokémon style XY :
-mini pack de réparation XY (comme quoi tout n'est pas parfait):
-Complément Pokémon Delta du pack XY:
-Complément Pokémon Ombre du pack XY:
-mini pack Zarbi style XY:
(Note aux admins: j'ai pas l'habitude de faire des présentations)