I’m really bad at handling stress

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  • 19 posts
14 aoűt 2024, 16:24
Any kind of worry affects my health, both mentally and physically. I’ve tried different ways to manage stress, but so far, nothing has helped much.


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14 aoűt 2024, 17:07
I hope you’re also considering seeing a psychologist and psychiatrist because what you’re going through isn’t normal. You might also try different supplements like CBD, which helps many people. CBD has a cumulative effect, by the way.


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  • 32 posts
15 aoűt 2024, 15:23
I didn’t like CBD supplements. I tried smoking cannabis to manage anxiety before, and it works much better for me. Plus, you could try something completely different, like psilocybin mushrooms. I recommend buying at https://www.shroomsdirect.co/. At the very least, it’s a vibrant, unique, and unusual experience. There’s even research showing these mushrooms can help with various mental health disorders.


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Hier ŕ 14:30
I should be quite

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