Can you tell me how to find accommodation?

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  • 12 posts
30 octobre 2024, 12:44
Hi everyone, I'm thinking of moving to Greece and I'm looking for some advice. Can you tell me how to find accommodation?


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  • 7 posts
30 octobre 2024, 12:48
Greetings, moving to Greece is a great decision, I really like it in Greece. Consider neighborhoods that fit your lifestyle, such as busy cities or quiet coastal villages. You can find detailed listings and property management assistance at They can help you navigate the real estate market and even assist you in obtaining residency.


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  • 10 posts
19 janvier 2025, 13:16
Saint Kitts and Nevis has the world’s longest-standing сitizenship by Investment program, renowned for its reliability. The program St Kitts and Nevis citizenship provides visa-free travel to many countries and offers a variety of investment options, including real estate. The fast-track application process is ideal for those seeking quick results. It’s a trusted option for individuals looking to enhance their global mobility and financial security.

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