J'ai plusieurs question à poser autour d'un projet se nommant "Pokémon Perfect Platinium"
J'ai trouver sur internet plusieurs pages parlant de ce projet.
Voilà une citation du topic "officiel" de cette rom hack
Hack of:
Pokemon Platinum
Player starts out on their adventure following their overly-hyper childhood friend. In what starts out as just another innocent adventure the player soon finds them self fighting for the fate of the world against the evil Team Galactic in an effort to stop their power lust as they try to control the great Giratina.
All 493 Pokemon are available!
4 major events accessible, allowing you access to 4 D/P Legendaries!
* I have included every Pokemon scattered throughout the Sinnoh Region. Unfortunately, due to lack of scripting tools at this time many previous (pre-D/P/P) legendaries can be encountered randomly (most if not all are level 70+).
* I did my best to keep the Sinnoh dex somewhat accurate, but any Pokemon that is not in Platinum will not appear in the Pokedex. I apologize for any inconvienence but we just don't have the tools to edit the Pokedex at this time.
* I have edited every trade evolution! Normal Trade Evolutions should evolve at level 40. Item trade evolutions now evolve holding the trade item on level up in the daytime.
* 4 event items are available through in-game trades. Allowing access to event legendaries. (Be sure to remove the items from the pokemon once the trade is completed!)
* The Stopwatch and Alarm Clock Pokétch Apps can be acquired from the Pokétch President once you have 7 Gym Badges.
* Challenger's Edition has progressively increasing difficulty for experienced trainer's.
* Newest releases include patching program and your choice of patching methods.
* Patch should now be Linux compatible!
* I've included mirrors in case of server failure.
* *UPDATED* I found an error in Rotom's Form room and have corrected it.
Any versions beyond this point will now be known as Perfect Platinum Extended as we have completed what was my primary goal, to make a complete version of the original Platinum.
A quoi doit t-on s'attendre ? Une bloody Platinium V2 inachevée ?

Quelqu'un ici la déjà essayée ?
EDIT : Le mec a l'air d'avoir poster des patchs en plus...apparemment elle serait sortie.