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04 novembre 2010, 14:13
bite de tissu


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04 novembre 2010, 16:45
Vu sur /tr/ :

Longquote is long
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

Stranger: heys.
You: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: 12 m Kanto
Stranger: 0.0... 13 f singapore
Stranger: hmm.. we're all young ppl..
You: I guess, but my mom still wanted me to go on a journt
You: *journey
Stranger: journey?
Stranger: where to?
You: I had to walk all the way to Viridian city
You: from Pallet town
You: hello?
Stranger: is that far?
Stranger: sorrie went to throw smth
You: not too far, but there was a lot of animals that kept jumping out
You: especially in the tall grass
Stranger: god...
Stranger: imma scared that animals will bite me =X
You: yea, I was more scared of running into Gary
Stranger: Gary?
Stranger: what's that
You: This kid i grew up with
Stranger: why are u scared of him
You: he's pretty much an asshole, excuse my language
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: it's all right
You: he think's he's cool because his grandpa's a scientist
Stranger: use all the vulgarities u wanna, i welcome them
Stranger: well... if he's cool cos of that... then idk what's lame
You: lol
You: I still got a map from his sister though. Pallet town is really small so pretty much everyone knows everyone.
Stranger: COOLLL
Stranger: i wanna stay there too
You: I can't wait to get out, that's why I went on this "journey"
Stranger: Wow
Stranger: is it that boring
You: I'm in Viridian right now, but I'm going to try to head to pewter city tomorrow
You: yea, but there's nothing like an adventure.
Stranger: aww..
Stranger: life in singapore is dull
Stranger: all fast paced work and no play
You: sorry
Stranger: why sry
You: that you have no play
Stranger: well it's okays..
Stranger: i guess
Stranger: i just wanna do smth like travel to pretty lakes and serene forests to well sit and watch the world
You: that's what I am getting to do, i know I'm young but I know i can do it
Stranger: RAWR
Stranger: imma jealous
You: I have a couple pets now on my journey to keep me company
Stranger: wad pets
You: i caught them on my way to viridian.
You: i have a little mouse and a bird
You: they actually are really really smart
You: and they have protected me from some of the wild animals
You: you still there?
Stranger: LOL
Stranger: yesss
Stranger: sorrie.. the omegle doesn't ALERT me
Stranger: and isn't that illegal
You: what? catching wild animals?
You: and taming them?
Stranger: CATCHING
Stranger: is bad
You: I don't hurt them, they actually become my friends
Stranger: but still
You: how is that bad?
Stranger: it illegal
You: not in Kanto.
You: It's actually encouraged to catch animals and have them protect you.
Stranger: Rally?
Stranger: in Singapore it's ILLEGAL
Stranger: are u sure you're 12... u sound too smart
You: yes
Stranger: smart 12
You: Kanto is weird i guess. I haven't been anywhere else except johto once.
You: how am i smart?
Stranger: the..
Stranger: erm... language wise
Stranger: and sentence structure
You: well Kanto really likes school structure.
You: that's why i'm so glad we're on a break
Stranger: 0.0..
Stranger: u pro
You: what about you? you sound smart
Stranger: imma 13..
Stranger: and one of the top schs in SG
You: yea but are you an honors stud. like me? XP
Stranger: nopes
Stranger: HAHA
Stranger: no wonder luhs
You: yea i'm kind of nerdy, but that's why I'm able to do this all alone.
Stranger: LOL
Stranger: -pets-
You: why is that funny
Stranger: idk..
Stranger: u just made it sound funny
You: that's not nice :(
Stranger: sorrrieee
You: sure you are ;)
Stranger: just cos you're cute
Stranger: that's why
You: why do you say that?
You: I'm not used to being called cute...
Stranger: idk.
Stranger: personality wise u are
You: thanks! :D
You: so are you!
You: do you have any animals?
Stranger: nopes..
Stranger: and ty
You: I can't wait to go to silver cave.
Stranger: why?
You: It's so awesome.
You: that's the only way to describe it
You: it goes into this huge mountain.
Stranger: 0.0..
Stranger: this sounds abit like pokemon
You: oh shi....
You: :D
Stranger: ??
You: good game
Stranger: ococ
You: so yeah...
You: what does ococ mean?
Stranger: ococ?
Stranger: huh
You: you said it
You: hello?
Stranger: r u sleeping soon?
Stranger: it shld be icic, it means i see i see, i understand
Stranger: brb. go pee
You: oh
You: can i watch?
Stranger: bacl
Stranger: watch what?
Stranger: back*
You: nvm
You: r u sleeping soon?
Stranger: nopes
Stranger: and watcha wanna watch?
Stranger: hmm imma seriously thinking you're nt 12
You: sorry i was chatting to someone else too on aim
You: my friend
You: he wants to watch a movie he just got
Stranger: 0.0
Stranger: awesome
You: it's about zombie nazis
Stranger: er..
Stranger: not interested =X
You: why not?
Stranger: boring
Stranger: no action
You: what would you watch?
Stranger: action
Stranger: fantaasy
You: like wat movie?
Stranger: how to train a dragon?
You: awwhe i wanted to see that movie
You: is it good?
Stranger: AWESOME
Stranger: ok
Stranger: u shld have totally watched it
You: I might have to now :P
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: good!
Stranger: imma sleepy
You: awwhe
You: wish i could go to sleep
Stranger: why can't u?
Stranger: i can pet u if u wanna
Stranger: so cute =)
You: :D
Stranger: want?
Stranger: i pet u
You: yes
Stranger: -pets-
Stranger: go sleep
Stranger: dun tired yourself
You: *yawn*
You: lol
Stranger: gogo.
You: gogo what? i dont wanna
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: u can lie on my lap.
Stranger: and fall asleep? =)
You: i wish... ur so far away
Stranger: aww
Stranger: i can still do it here
Stranger: come on. lie down
You: *lays down*
Stranger: kawaii
Stranger: rest more ok
You: yay!
You: i like laying on your lap
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: -pets-
You: hehe
You: ur cute
Stranger: awwt
Stranger: ty
Stranger: u are too
You: wish i could cuddle moar
Stranger: aww
Stranger: come here
Stranger: give u a hug okay
You: okay :)
You: -hug-
Stranger: pets.
Stranger: hmm u sure you're 12?
You: are you sure ur 13?
Stranger: yes imma sure..
Stranger: hw old do u think i sound like
Stranger: LOL
You: hella sure?
You: 3276104640164 years old
You: :P
Stranger: zz
Stranger: you sound 15 at least
You: nope
Stranger: i dun sound 3276104640164 years old

Stranger: so what. you're 12?
You: yep
Stranger: do u have a gf? curious
You: nope
Stranger: aww
Stranger: too bad
Stranger: you're cute
You: :)
Stranger: do u have FB?
You: no, what's that?
Stranger: facebook
You: oh, no...
You: i don't really use computers that much
Stranger: aww
Stranger: anything u can add me on
Stranger: you're a awesome person to talk to
You: do you have msn?
You: or aim?
You: i sometimes get on there when i do get on a comp
Stranger: msn
Stranger: hweeminn1997@hotmail.com
You: imma add you k
You: i need sleep
Stranger: aww
Stranger: come here..
Stranger: i duwan to let u go sleep..
Stranger: you're such a nice person.
You: i have too... i have a big day tomorrow
Stranger: add meee
Stranger: i duwan u to gooooo
Stranger: -hugs- no going
You: awwheeee
You: but i have too...
You: i only have 4 minutes left to be on the comp
Stranger: =(
You: make it worth it :P
Stranger: you're cuddly
You: *hug*
Stranger: -petssss-
Stranger: hw tall r u
You: 126 cm
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: cute
You: you?
Stranger: 150
Stranger: muhaha
You: you taller than me :(
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: aww it's ok
Stranger: then it's easier to hug u
Stranger: kawaii
You: :)
Stranger: hug u to sleep tonight ok?
Stranger: u can be my teddy
You: awwhe i wish
You: i have to go... :(((((
You: i maybe talk later on msn?
Stranger: nooooo
Stranger: =(
Stranger: okays...
Stranger: u dd'n't add me
Stranger: didn't*
You: i will.
Stranger: hweeminn1997@hotmail.com
Stranger: RMBBB
You: i am even writing it down :D
Stranger: i'll miss u =)
You: can't wait to talk
Stranger: awwww
You: :X
Stranger: so sweet
Stranger: gogo.
Stranger: hugssssss~
Stranger: u shall be my teddy tonight
You: bai :(
Stranger: byee =(
You have disconnected.
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04 novembre 2010, 17:28


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04 novembre 2010, 22:55
salut sa vas quoi de 9

Hum, un membre inconnu au bataillon ayant posté 0 messages qui me demande comment je vais.  :teci:

Je regarde dans mes MP, et là je retrouve ça :

Longconversation is... oh, fuck!
comment je fais pour monter en grade
Commence déjà par poster des messages utiles et n'envoie pas de MP de ce genre...  :fail:
je te signale que c'est une question  :pedo:
Et je t'ai répondu, non ?  :nan:
oui mais tu a repondu sévèrment  Commence déjà par poster des messages utiles et n'envoie pas de MP de ce genre...   :wtf:
Bah tu es sur un forum, le but c'est de poster sur le forum et pas d'envoyer des MP aux modérateurs pour des questions aussi débiles...  :fail:

Codes Pension la construction se fini quand  :ah:
J'en sais rien moi.  :maxwell:

Il revient à la charge le bougre, mais en y mettant les formes cette fois-ci.

The Miz

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04 novembre 2010, 22:59
Pourquoi j'en reçoit pas des comme ça moi ?


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04 novembre 2010, 22:59
Snake Eyes (male)

M@T (male)

The Miz

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04 novembre 2010, 23:03
C'était une question réthorique.


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Gencives suintantes

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04 novembre 2010, 23:10
mdr. J'aime ton sens de l'humour, sisi.

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Jaune d'ombre

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05 novembre 2010, 00:27
c bi1
pas le kia
bite de tissu
c 1 ouph acecece

9 de tes 10 derniers messages. Y'a pas moyen que tu lèves un peu le pied de temps en temps ? :(

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Jaune d'ombre

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05 novembre 2010, 01:17
Wah jérèm tmtc on sconè 2p8 telmt lgtp tt mn chéri en primaire jme rapel tn bouket dfleurwa pari sur la pènich t extra tmérite pa kn te traite ainci kn on aime on trmpe pa mm si on svoi pa tt ltps km on pe dir jtm é fer sa. si ta bswin js8 la mm si on sparl pa svt jte soutien tu mérite une perl rar malheureusmt ia d+ en + dsalope sur ter mé surtt kel é riskè sur ta santé bisx ♥ c dur mé tu surmntera l+ dur ce sera drefer cnfiance


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05 novembre 2010, 01:22
Oh putain ça faisait longtemps que j'avais pas revu ce genre d'écriture MSN ou SMS
vive les appels  :°)

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05 novembre 2010, 01:23
Ca c'est de l'sms

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05 novembre 2010, 01:23
tupeu pas la test, c'est une pro elle ;)

Captain Awesome

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05 novembre 2010, 07:21
Jviens de lire le truc mais j'ai pas compris =O


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05 novembre 2010, 17:33
faut un cerveau capable de déchiffrer le smmesme, tu peut pas test :ichiz:


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05 novembre 2010, 17:37
Dans ce cas, il suffit de ne pas avoir de cerveau, non ?  :hum:


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05 novembre 2010, 17:39
Notre cerveau reptilien analyse le SMSesque. C'est notre cerveau qui fiat la traduction entre le Français et le smsesque, pour envoyer les données au cerveau reptilien.

Captain Awesome

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05 novembre 2010, 17:39
faut un cerveau capable de déchiffrer le smmesme, tu peut pas test :ichiz:
Donc ceux ecrivant le sms , le comprenne donc ils ont un cerveau =O


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05 novembre 2010, 19:05
faut un cerveau capable de déchiffrer le smmesme, tu peut pas test :ichiz:
Donc ceux ecrivant le sms , le comprenne donc ils ont un cerveau =O
En tout cas, toi ton cerveau, visiblement tu l'a perdu en même temps que tes cheveux, parce que tu t'améliores VRAIMENT PAS avec le temps, ça en devient navrant. :nan:


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05 novembre 2010, 19:05
Mais est-ce qu'il en avait 1 avant ? --


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05 novembre 2010, 19:06
C'est une question existentielle pour lui  :you:


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05 novembre 2010, 19:08
oui mais vos gueules en fait


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06 novembre 2010, 06:24
stamer le reptile


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06 novembre 2010, 14:10
Citation de:  Une nana sur FB
L'amoure est au font de notre coeur , l'amitier ne se lace jamais.Tu ne me quittera sens même reflechir (mais je ne sais pas reflechir)sauf si tu na plus d'esprit ♥


J'hésite entre rire, pleurer et vomir.


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06 novembre 2010, 14:10
Y a un contexte particulier ?  :D

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